Our Commitment

We work directly with hundreds of handline fishermen who live in Sulawesi’s small coastal communities with their families and depend on fishing as a primary source of income.

In 2023 our parent company signed a partnership agreement with the USAID Ber-lkan project to introduce a parametric insurance product that will help artisanal fishers manage the economic impacts of shifting weather patterns. This is a world first for safeguarding small scale fishers' incomes.


Our fish is sourced from small vessels using traditional catch methods. We prioritize fisheries that have been certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council or are engaged in a Fisheries Improvement Project.

Archipelagics (with our parent company) is a proud member of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), the Indonesian Pole & Line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI), and Indonesia Tuna, and we are committed to further advancing sustainable Indonesian seafood.

The impact of climate change can already be observed in our fisheries. Monsoon seasons and water temperatures are changing which could disrupt supply chains and adversely affect fishers' incomes over time. A better safety net is required to protect small-scale fishers and their families.


Since our fishermen catch smaller quantities of fish, they are able to pay more attention to detail during handling and processing, resulting in fresher and more flavorful products than mass-produced alternatives. Every fish is packaged by hand to meet international food benchmarks, including BRC global standards certified.

Food safety is the cornerstone of our business. We minimize the risk of contamination by engaging artisanal fishers on best fish handling practices and working only with ISO/IC 17025 certified laboratories to test our products. We limit the use of chemicals by prioritizing alternative sanitation practices and are making investments to minimize waste.

Transparent Supply Chain

Our supply chains are vertically integrated. We buy directly from fishers, process in our own facilities, and have our own marketing operations. Our team is developing a bespoke, GDST-compliant enterprise resource planning system connecting our supply chains end-to-end and able to link to your enterprise solution.